LORDI Gathering Biggest Ever In Helsinki : Finland's victorious monster rockers LORDI seem prone to breaking record after record. After not only achieving the highest ever Eurovision score at the Athens contest, Friday (May 27th) evening's street celebrations for the band were the largest public gathering ever seen in Helsinki's history. According to official police estimates, the crowd at the free concert in the Market Square numbered around 90,000, which is twice the capacity of the Olympic Stadium. [Watch a clip of LORDI's performance at Helsinki's Market Square at this location . Footage of the crowd can be found here . This smashes the figure for Finland's victorious hockey players who returned to Helsinki victorious in 1995, and were cheered by crowds of up to 30,000. Previously, Latin songstress Shakira had also drawn large crowds at an open-air concert in Kaivopuisto Park, but still with only 80,000 fans present, she comes in at second place to Lordi. Th...