Dragonland : (cancion del nuevo disco) 【メロスピ】Dragonlandの新音源【復活か】
Dragonlandさんの新譜Astronomyは「今作は重くて速いよ」とか言ってて俺は、どうせいつもの決まり文句だろはいはいワロスワロスと思っていたのですがそうではない事が判明。Ride For Gloryばりの疾走曲でした。ごめんよDragonland
1. Supernova (5:09)
2. Cassiopeia (4:06)
3. Contact (4:25) My Space
link al player de myspace: http://collect.myspace.com/music/popup.cfm?num=0&time=264.043&fid=11030470&uid=1
4. Astronomy (3:20)
5. Antimatter (3:00)
6. The Book of Shadows part IV: The Scrolls of Geometria Divina (4:04)
7. Beethoven's Nightmare (6:11)
8. Too Late for Sorrow (3:36)
9. Direction: Perfection (4:29)
10. The Old House on the Hill Chapter I: A Death in the Family (4:30)
11. The Old House on the Hill Chapter II: The Thing in the Cellar (3:07)
12. The Old House on the Hill Chapter III: The Ring of Edward Waldon (6:17)
Dragonlandさんの新譜Astronomyは「今作は重くて速いよ」とか言ってて俺は、どうせいつもの決まり文句だろはいはいワロスワロスと思っていたのですがそうではない事が判明。Ride For Gloryばりの疾走曲でした。ごめんよDragonland
1. Supernova (5:09)
2. Cassiopeia (4:06)
3. Contact (4:25) My Space
link al player de myspace: http://collect.myspace.com/music/popup.cfm?num=0&time=264.043&fid=11030470&uid=1
4. Astronomy (3:20)
5. Antimatter (3:00)
6. The Book of Shadows part IV: The Scrolls of Geometria Divina (4:04)
7. Beethoven's Nightmare (6:11)
8. Too Late for Sorrow (3:36)
9. Direction: Perfection (4:29)
10. The Old House on the Hill Chapter I: A Death in the Family (4:30)
11. The Old House on the Hill Chapter II: The Thing in the Cellar (3:07)
12. The Old House on the Hill Chapter III: The Ring of Edward Waldon (6:17)