EDGUY frontman Tobias Sammet has issued the following announcement:
"I've heard rumors going around and - yes - they're true. Quite some time ago I've started working on another Avantasia adventure! Again it's going to be a conceptual album with different musicians and singers. More about it from now on at this site.
You ask why I am doing it? Because I can! Because I am dying to go for it! And because the time has come that I feel ready and strong enough to start something big, bombastic and monumental again!Believe me: you won't find any other man on the face of the earth who has got more work and stress right now - and who's yet as happy as I am.
It's so exciting to see another dream of mine take shape. I wish you a successful year 2007 and - most important - I wish you happiness, health and a lot of good sex!"
creia ke era inocentada pero fuera de españa no se hacen estas cosas hoy no? o si? ein? XD
EDGUY frontman Tobias Sammet has issued the following announcement:
"I've heard rumors going around and - yes - they're true. Quite some time ago I've started working on another Avantasia adventure! Again it's going to be a conceptual album with different musicians and singers. More about it from now on at this site.
You ask why I am doing it? Because I can! Because I am dying to go for it! And because the time has come that I feel ready and strong enough to start something big, bombastic and monumental again!Believe me: you won't find any other man on the face of the earth who has got more work and stress right now - and who's yet as happy as I am.
It's so exciting to see another dream of mine take shape. I wish you a successful year 2007 and - most important - I wish you happiness, health and a lot of good sex!"
creia ke era inocentada pero fuera de españa no se hacen estas cosas hoy no? o si? ein? XD